" 75% of the agricultural land in Africa has been destroyed due to the vast land pollution."
An organization that promotes the need for a trash disposal system in Western Africa, fostered by the creativity of 4 students at Girls Who Code.
The Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program is a 7-week intensive computer science course that embeds classrooms in technology companies and universities. Girls learn everything from robotics to mobile development to HTML and CSS while gaining exposure to the tech industry and receiving valuable mentorship from women working in technology.
One August morning, people living near the Akouedo rubbish dump in Abidjan, capital of the Ivory Coast, woke up to a foul-smelling air. Soon, they began to vomit, children got diarrhoea, and the elderly found it difficult to breathe. "The smell was unbelievable, a cross between rotten eggs and blocked drains," said one Abidjan resident. "After 10 minutes in the thick of it, I felt sick." - Patricia Doyle ("Toxic Shock - How Western Trash Is Destroying Africa")
"When I was younger, I remember throwing away leftovers in the backyard. I didn't know about trash cans nor did I even think of cleaning up a better way. Instead, we believed that by emptying our mess on the ground, we would be giving back to the Earth. Thinking back, I wouldn't want to do it again seeing as the smell of rotten peels, vegetables, and decayed food was horrendous." - Favour Nerrise
"A substantial proportion of e-waste exports go to countries outside Europe, including west African countries. Treatment in these countries usually occurs in the informal sector, causing significant environmental pollution and health risks for local populations." - Spokesman (Interpol)
Unfortunately, many countries in West Africa suffer from mass polution and accumulation of waste like the Ivory Coast. West Africans depend on agricultural income to foster daily expenses. However, this is hindered by the absence of a proper means to dispose of waste.
We seek to promote awareness on the horrible conditions West Africans have to live in due to the lack of an implementation of an effective garbage disposal system. Help us help themselves.
Some may view picking up litter as either a mundane activity to gain community service
hours or a stale tactic politicians use to further their parties' agenda.
Unfortunately, these opinions are NOT relevant to those who live in West Africa.
For these people, this practice is a NECESSITY . Cleaner streets can decide the difference
between living a healthy life or a life filled with diseases and tragedy.
In our Litter Pick-Up game, the player must pick up as much trash as he or she can within a certain amount of time.
As the character runs, the player witnesses the positive physical and environmental impact he or she can have on his or her community.
Many organizations, realizing the disastrous effects of litter and pollution in West Africa,
attempt to help out by leading grassroot campaigns in local litter-stricken communities.
Unfortunately, these campaigns do not always meet the focal need point because there is a lack of participation among the youth.
Encouraging young people to positively impact their local community is a need.